Strategic Partnerships

 We are here to assist our churches in addressing the Greatest Problem on Earth.

There are thousands of needs around the world— natural disasters, famine, pandemic, inadequate healthcare... None compare with the greatest problem in the world-LOSTNESS. How can we say that? While all these other problems will end at death, lostness begins at birth and never, ever ends. If someone is hungry, or homeless, or without shelter, when they die, that problem is over. But if someone dies without Christ, that problem lasts forever, hopeless.


People Die Every Day

Without Christ

You and I know the solution to that problem — it is the salvation that only comes in Jesus Christ. That is why of all the ministries and good things that the Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches can invest our time and resources in, none compares to our providing strategic partnerships to you and the churches in the Cape Fear Network.

 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earthActs 1:8

Our Assignment is clear.

From Mathew 28:19-20, and Acts 1:8, we are commanded to make disciples of our Lord Jesus in our community, in this country, and in all countries. Your Network provides opportunities where you can join with others to accomplish together what we cannot accomplish alone. Through our strategic partners, we really are On Mission Together.

Our Jerusalem and Judea — Cape Fear Region of North Carolina

God is bringing the unreached within our reach.

We know from our census updates that there are over 1,700 households of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists living in the communities of our Network churches. Why not take the gospel to them?


  1. The Cape Fear Network is providing specialized training opportunities for our churches on: Reaching the Muslims  with the Gospel in Cape Fear; Helping Hindus with the Gospel in Cape Fear; and Building Bridges for the Gospel to Buddhists in Cape Fear.

  2. Can you imagine your church sponsoring a refugee family from an unreached place or people group that is now resettling in your church community? How can we do that? Our Network is partnering with Church World Services to help new refugee families who are legally resettling in our Cape Fear area. The US government will provide financial assistance, but these families need people to help them secure household items, public transportation, groceries…everything needed for a new family.

To be able to do this, individuals must complete volunteer training and be willing to volunteer to be part of a resettlement team.

Our Judea and Samaria — North Carolina and the United States

According to the 2020 Census, within the Washington DC area there are…

                                 171,500 Muslims

                                   95,000 Hindus

                                   13,000 Buddhists

Our Opportunity:

To partner with Global Gates in sending volunteer teams on 4-day trips to do evangelism among the South Asians in our nation’s capital.

Our next opportunity- April 7-11, 2024     Register for this trip at

Our Ends of the Earth — Unreached Places and Peoples

Who are the Unreached and Unengaged?

 Unreached peoples are defined as people groups with less than 2% evangelical Christian populations.

 There are still 7,325 Unreached People Groups (UPG) on the earth.

 Unengaged peoples are people groups, to the best of our knowledge, having no evangelical presence, neither missionaries from outside nor local Christians from within, implementing a church planting strategy among that people group.

There are still 3,175 Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (UUPG) on the earth today.

59% of the World’s Population, 4.6 Billion people, are unreached with the gospel,

And 3.2 Billion of those have little or no access to the gospel.  

Question- How can one local church in the Southeastern corner of North Carolina ever address the world’s greatest problem among the unreached peoples and places on earth?  

Our Network has two primary strategic partners for reaching the unreached around the world:

The largest concentration of lostness on the earth are South Asians.

1 out of every 3 Unreached People Groups are South Asian.

1 out of 3 Unengaged Unreached People Groups are South Asian.

1 out of 3 Muslims are South Asian.

For this reason, the Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches voted unanimously in Executive Committee January 13, 2022 to focus our mission to the UUPG’s of the world on South Asians.  

Why not calendar now and plan to actually go with others in our Network on a strategic mission trip to an unreached people group?

Here is YOUR opportunity to be involved:

  • February 24-March 4, 2025 - Mission trip to India

If you are interested in any of these strategic opportunities, you can register online before the deadline HERE or email Michael Cloer for more information.

 Pray, Register, Train, GO.


The Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches believe we are to take the gospel from the East Coast to the Uttermost!