What Is EQUIP?

Empowering local churches and ministry organization to take an active role in the theological education of their students.

Southeastern Seminary believes that some theological education is best done in partnership with the local church. The EQUIP Network empowers churches and ministry organizations to offer accredited and accessible courses to students at the highest level of theological training. While EQUIP courses are compatible with any degree program, some programs better lend themselves to EQUIP courses. EQUIP courses can be offered any semester (spring, summer, fall) on the graduate or undergraduate levels. Students can potentially earn up to 36 credit hours towards their degree program under the oversight of qualified leaders. Furthermore, the EQUIP Network weds the seminary experience with real life ministry opportunities to provide students with the most integrative ministry training available through two types of courses:

  1. Mentored Internship Courses: Field Mentors who possess a ministry-related Masters degree and have significant ministry experience are eligible to lead these courses. The Mentored Internship courses enable students to gain practical ministry experience in various areas of ministry under the supervision of a Field Mentor. The mentor and student work together to develop a “personalized” ministry experience, while allowing students to earn up to 9 credit hours towards a degree program.

  2. Practicum Courses: Practicums are the field-based equivalent to courses offered on campus. Field Instructors who hold a post-M.Div. degree (Ph.D., D.Min., Ed.D., Th.M.) and have significant ministry experience are eligible to lead practicum courses. Instructors have the opportunity to equip students through a combination of classroom instruction, ministry-related experiences, and mentoring relationships. EQUIP provides Field Instructors with customizable syllabus templates for each course that allows them to utilize their own ministry experience to produce a robust training opportunity for their students. Students can earn up to 33 credit hours through EQUIP Practicums.

    “The EQUIP Network has masterfully bridged the gap between the seminary and the local church as well as anything I’ve seen in my 40+ years of ministry. Some things can only be learned well in the refining fires of real life ministry, which makes EQUIP one of Southeastern’s most valuable means of training students to fulfill the Great Commission.”

    Dr. Danny Akin, President


 Frequently Asked Questions

About the EQUIP Network

Who is EQUIP designed to help?

The EQUIP courses are offered for 3 categories of people:

1. Those wanting to pursue an accredited degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, while taking 36 hours towards that degree right here at the Cape Fear Network. EQUIP courses will be offered every Spring and Fall semester and are available on both the graduate as well as the undergraduate levels. Follow this link for undergraduate EQUIP course listings.

EQUIP courses can be taken under nearly every degree program. That being said, the two degrees below provide the greatest opportunity for incorporating a large number of EQUIP courses:

- M.Div. in Christian Ministry (up to 36 hours)

- M.A. Christian Ministry [Mentored] (up to 24 hours).

2. Those who want to receive a Christian Ministry Certificate. The Certificate in Christian Ministry is intentionally broad in its focus and is the only certificate that allows students to enroll in any core classes at Southeastern in our EQUIP Network. This program of study is perfect for the person who may be on the fence about entering into a graduate-level program or might be unsure which specific graduate degree to pursue.

All four courses required for this Certificate will be taught at the Cape Fear EQUIP Network. Certificate students have to apply to the seminary as Certificate students. Here’s a link: Graduate Certificates (sebts.edu).

Once they are admitted into SEBTS as a Certificate student, then we can handle the registration for EQUIP courses just like we do with the degree seeking students. Certificate courses are $300 each.

3. Those who just want to take courses for personal enrichment or leadership development and are not working toward a degree or certificate. There is no charge for those because the Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches covers the expense. Students will be responsible for their books.

How much credit can EQUIP offer?

  • Students can gain up to 36 hours of credit depending on their degree that includes both mentored internship and practicum courses.

How much do EQUIP Courses Cost?

  • All EQUIP courses are 3 credit hours and cost the normal rate of tuition

  • For those pursuing MA/MDIV/ MTS degrees, the Southern Baptist Rate is $304 per credit hour. That would be $912 per course, plus a one-time Student Enrollment Fee of $336. All the tuition and fees can be found HERE.

  • For those pursuing a Christian Ministry Certificate, the cost is $300 per course plus the one-time Enrollment Fee of $40.

Can undergraduates participate in the program?

  • Yes! All EQUIP courses are offered on the undergraduate level. Review the course catalogue to identify which courses apply towards the student’s respective degree

Can non-credit seeking students participate in the program?

  • Absolutely! We encourage pastors to identify opportunities that allow their people to be exposed to courses regardless of their desire to earn academic credit.

Application Process

Who can participate in EQUIP courses?

  • Any qualifying participants within the Cape Fear Network who have applied and been accepted by SEBTS. We recommend that participants be members of a church within CFNOC before participating.

What courses are offered?

  • View a list of EQUIP courses HERE. **Please note these courses are subject to change.

Have more Questions?

Our EQUIP Network Team would be happy to provide you with any additional information. Please email us at equip@sebts.edu or give us a call at 919-761-2460.


 EQUIP Courses

Mentored Internships:

  • PMN7900/EQC – Mentored Internship

  • BCO 7900/EQC – Mentored Counseling Internship

Practicum Courses:

  • PMN6501/EQC – Pastoral Ministry and Leadership Practicum

  • PMN6733/EQC – Christian Leadership Practicum

  • PMN6721/EQC – Administration and Education in the Local Church Practicum

  • PRS6101/EQC – Bible Exposition I: Hermeneutics and Preparation Practicum

  • PRS6501/EQC – Bible Exposition II: Communication and Delivery Practicum

  • BCO5502/EQC – Biblical Counseling Practicum

  • MIS6551/EQC – Developing a Church Planting Methodology Practicum

  • MIS6541/EQC – North American Church Planting Practicum

  • MIS6591/EQC – International Church Planting Practicum

  • MIS5101/EQC – Christian Mission: Principles and Practice Practicum

  • EVA5101/EQC – Evangelism: Nature Practice Practicum

  • EVA661/EQC – Personal Discipleship and Disciple-Making Practicum (Spring 2025)